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Dominic Barter

281 octets ajoutés, 23 mai 2011 à 16:57
2011 : La seule victoire durable qu'on puisse gagner contre nos ennemis, est d'en faire nos amis.
=== 2011 ===
* 22 mai : ''« RT @ForgivenessProj ‘The only lasting victory that we can win over our enemies, is to make them our friends’. Archibald Baxter
:: RT @ForgivenessProj "La seule victoire durable qu'on puisse gagner contre nos ennemis, est d'en faire nos amis." Archibald Baxter
* 21 mai : ''« Intolerance of the pain associated with conflict is one of the principle impediments to looking into our conflicts. In many cases, that association of pain is based not on meeting conflict clearly, but on trying - and failing - to avoid it. Meeting conflict clearly has a cumulative effect, being easier&easier to see as supportive the more we benefit from it's restorative results »
6 447

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