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ENVCSF 2010 Espace d'échanges

1 102 octets supprimés, 5 juin 2013 à 10:26
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<center> <font color=green> Any problems about this space: remimartinp@gmail.com. </font> </center>
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I would be very happy and relieved if someone would be willing to take me from Royan station to L'espaces Possibeles on sunday 4th of july. I'll arrive by train at 14:45 hr. Let me know :)
Tel: +32 474528013
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*Name, email, proposal...
*Name, email, proposal...
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Rémi Martin, remimartinp@gmail.com: une des participantes a une difficulté au niveau de sa tête, es-ce que quelqu'un de nous pourrait apporter quelque chose de sur-eleve - comme un clic-clac ou autre idée?
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*Name, email, proposal...
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*Name, email: request...
*Name, email: request...
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[http://en.nvcwiki.com/index.php/ENVCSF_2010_ORGANIZATION_TEAM Organization Team], nvcfestival@gmail.com, propose to offer empathy and help you to search a solution about financial problem in order to encourage autonomy.
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[http://en.nvcwiki.com/index.php/ENVCSF_2010_ORGANIZATION_TEAM Organization Team], nvcfestival@gmail.com, request that each one brings something to decorate the place.
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Rémi Martin, remimartinp@gmail.com, propose to bring 4 pencils and scrap paper.
*Name, email: proposal...
*Name, email: proposal...
Utilisateur anonyme