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ENVCSF 2010 Espace d'échanges

Cette page est en anglais pour permettre à chacun de la modifier même si nous n'avons pas de compte (car non possible sur en.nvcwiki.com)

This space is for making Requests and Offers regarding organizational issues and carpooling (covoiturage). Follow the instruction to add your Request/Offers:
  1. Click "modifier" at the top of this page,
  2. Scroll down and Search "Name, email: request..." (if you have a Request) or "Name, email: proposal..." (if you would like to Offer),
  3. Change this "Name, email: request..." with your own information,
  4. When you finish, go down to bottom page and Click "prévisualiser",
  5. Check the changes you have made, and if you are content, go to bottom of the page and Click "publier".

Any problems about this space: remimartinp@gmail.com.
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Name, email: request...


Name, email: proposal...

  • Name, email: request...
  • Name, email: request...
  • Name, email, proposal...
  • Name, email, proposal...
  • Name, email: request...
  • Name, email: request...
  • Name, email, proposal...
  • Name, email, proposal...
  • Rémi Martin, remimartinp@gmail.com: une des participantes a une difficulté au niveau de sa tête, es-ce que quelqu'un de nous pourrait apporter quelque chose de sur-eleve - comme un clic-clac ou autre idée?
  • Name, email, proposal...
  • Name, email, proposal...
  • Georg Tarne, georg@fensterstattmauern.at: I request a place to sleep in a tent from someone who has spare room left in his/her tent. I would otherwise have to borrow a tent from aqcuaintances and carry it with me while tramping - which would be possible yet not as easy as I would wish for it to be.
  • Name, email, proposal...
  • Name, email, proposal...
  • Name, email: request...
  • Name, email: request...
  • Organization Team, nvcfestival@gmail.com, propose to offer empathy and help you to search a solution about financial problem in order to encourage autonomy.
  • Organization Team, nvcfestival@gmail.com, request that each one brings something to decorate the place.
  • Rémi Martin, remimartinp@gmail.com, propose to bring 4 pencils and scrap paper.
  • Name, email: proposal...
  • Name, email: proposal...

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