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Cercles Restauratifs : FAQ

2 384 octets ajoutés, 14 mars 2012 à 20:41
Année 2012 : Est-il utile, voir nécessaire d'avoir de nouveaux Avant-Cercles quand plusieurs mois ce sont écoulés ?
== Année 2012 ==
=== Est-il utile, voir nécessaire d'avoir de nouveaux Avant-Cercles quand plusieurs mois ce sont écoulés ? ===
''14 Mars''
: ''« '''Question :''' Hi Dom :-) When a Circle hasn't reached agreed action plan during the time planned together, is it useful or even necessary to have Pre-Circles again when several months have passed before people of this Circle meet again to continue the Circle? Dieudonné
: '''''Answer :''' Hi Dieudonné!
: '' My experience is that each Circle needs to be looked at as unique, and responded to as such. I have both seen cases where it was important to reconnect to the specificity of the Act, the ongoing impact it has on the lives of those involved, and to re-clarify the next steps - including, sometimes, updating the information on who needs to be present.
: '' And I have seen cases where it wasn't - and folks could slip right back into to where they had been, briefly re-establishing dialogue (Mutual Comprehension), re-acknowledging their present understanding of what motivated their respective choices at the time each of them acted and responded (Self-Responsibility), and then moving into Agreed Action.
: '' My preference is to diminish, where possible, the length of time between a Circle beginning and reconvening. When that's not possible, it is often because those involved do not directly interact much, or at all, in daily life. This suggests that new Pre-Circles will be more, rather than less, likely. But, as I say, I suggest you play it by ear.
: '' If for some reason you also do not interact much with those involved, and therefore would be challenged to evaluate whether you would want to do more Pre-Circles or not, then I suggest that you schedule them - perhaps directly before the Circle begins again. It could be valuable for all involved have that check-in time anyway.
: '' And - please! - do not forget your Pre-Circle, and any other form of ongoing support before, during and after the Circle you might need.
: '' Bonne chance! »
:: '''Question :''' Salut Dom :-) Quand un Cercle n'est pas arrivé jusqu'au plan d'action dans le temps prévu ensemble, est-il utile, voir nécessaire d'avoir de nouveaux Avant-Cercles quand plusieurs mois ce sont écoulés avant que les personnes de ce Cercle ne se ressemblent à nouveau pour continuer ce Cercle ? »
:: '''Réponse :''' ''Traduction à faire…''
=== Quel est le lien entre la CNV et les Cercles Restauratifs ? ===
6 447

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