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Cercles Restauratifs : FAQ

3 493 octets ajoutés, 5 février 2012 à 11:16
Quel est le lien entre la CNV et les Cercles Restauratifs ?
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== Année 2012 ==
=== Quel est le lien entre la CNV et les Cercles Restauratifs ? ===
''14 Janvier''
: ''« '''Question :''' We often ask in our RC Practice Group in Kiel, Germany what is the connection between NVC of Marshall Rosenberg and RC-Work of yours?! What it is for you, in your personal life? If you are willing to give some hints in this direction it would be highly ap
: '''''Answer :''' ''I have been a student and colleague of Marshall's for a decade and a half now, and his work has had a profound effect on me.
: ''I met Marshall about a year after I began the conversations that gave rise to RC. I continued learning with him as RC took shape. I met him several times during the 1990's and then hosted him in Brazil 3 times during the 2000's. In 2003 I took him to the favela where RC had first began, to see the work there. In 2005 he and I presented at the World Social Forum in Brazil, and then to the first legal institution to host one of the Ministry of Justice's 3 pilot projects in Restorative Justice. During that visit we also visited a youth prison and worked on a live conflict between a young detainee and a member of staff.
: ''The first and most significant influence NVC had on my understanding of RC was that it gave me a vocabulary and a conceptual framework for what I was observing arising in our experiments in moving towards conflict. The dynamics that were repeatedly occurring were ones NVC had names for. Before NVC I was using dance terms to understand things. I liked them (I still do), but I found NVC terms more useful. NVC also providing a way of understanding why RC worked.
: ''NVC helps make power visible, and enables those facilitating an RC to track the co-construction of meaning and the arising of a circle, where power is shared. Not all those facilitating know or like NVC - it is not necessary to know or like it. But those who do, find it a useful way to follow the conflict as it unfolds and the Circle moves forwards.
: ''I like to think of RC being a application that can be built with the source code that NVC provides. Or of NVC as a wine which is well held in the bottle of RC. It can also be seen as a social application of the principles of NVC.
: ''However, they began independently and are not the same thing. I learned NVC very slowly (and am still a student), and had little access to experienced people while RC was growing. The book wasn't out yet, there were no videos, and I lived far away, with no internet.
: ''Later, my growing understanding of NVC was very influential in showing me how I could share RC with others. And, as my interest in sharing it grew, I noticed that RC changed and deepened my understanding of NVC - for which I am very grateful.
: ''I hope these words spoke to your question.»
:: '''Question :''' Nous demandons souvent dans notre groupe de pratique à Kiel en Allemagne quel est le lien entre la CNV de Marshall Rosenberg et votre travail de CR ?! Qu'est-ce qu'il en est pour toi, dans ta propre vie ? Si tu as envie de donner quelques indications dans ce sens, ce serait très apprécié.
:: '''Réponse :''' J'ai été un étudiant et un collègue de Marshall pendant un décennie et demie maintenant, et son travail a eu une profonde influence sur moi.
:: J'ai rencontré Marshall à peu près un an après avoir commencé les conversations qui ont donné naissance aux CR. J'ai continué à apprendre avec lui pendant que les CR ont pris forme.
:: ''à compléter…''
== Année 2011 ==
6 447