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ENVCSF 2010 Espace d'échanges

2 267 octets ajoutés, 5 juin 2013 à 10:26
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  <center> <font color=green> Any problems about this space: remimartinp@gmail.com. </font> </center> # Enter the result of the addition and Click "publier"
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! width="500" scope=col | <font color=red> Offerer
Name, email: request... </font>
! width="500" scope=col | <font color=red> Offerer
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*Name, email: request...
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Raphael Lavoie-Brand and Jana Nolle: +49 (0) 157 8485 9338, please call us during Sunday! we need a lift from Royan, but we don't know yet when we will arive because we are hitch hicking! It would be great to have a lift!
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*Name, email, proposal...
*Name, email: request...
*Name, email: request...
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Isabelle, ou odrusza@yahoo.fr: Bonjour, je passe par toulouse le 4/07 vers 10h40 et il reste 2 places dans ma voiture.
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Margarete Quehenberger, joannaqu88@yahoo.de: Hello, I need a lift from Paris to the festival on July 3rd or 4th.
Please contact me!
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*Name, email, proposal...
*Name, email, proposal...
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Bonjour Si vous êtes à Bordeaux ce jeudi 01 juillet matin, vous rendez à Merchers, et avez une place en voiture ou bien voulez partager le trajet en trains, je vous propose de me téléphoner 06 88 19 18 62 pour que nous prenions RV. Nicole
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*Rémi MartinHeide, remimartinphoffmann.heide@gmailgmx.de: We need a lift from Royan for 3 adults on Sunday 4th of July.comOur train arrives at 14: es ce que quelqu'un de nous pourrait proposer d'apporter du tissu (50mètres) à recycler pour la décoration du lieu?42. 0176 - 52145398
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*Name, email, proposal...
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*Rémi MartinBonjour, remimartinp@gmail.com: une des participantes a une difficulté au niveau je suis Nassiria et j'arriverai en gare de sa têteRoya à 12h, esle dimanche 4 juillet 2010 avec ma fille de 3 ans -ce que quelquMon n° D'un de nous pourrait apporter quelque chose de sur-eleve - comme un clic-clac ou autre idée?avance merci pour vos offres
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*Georg Tarne, georgMarie France Laurent laurmariefrance@fensterstattmauernyahoo.at: I request a place to sleep in a tent frhello, need carpooling please on 4 July from someone who has spare room left in his/her tent. I would otherwise have Royan station to borrow a tent from aqcuaintances NVC Festival any time after 16h30 thanks, and carry it with me while tramping - which would be possible yet not as easy as I would wish for it to be.see you soon !tel: 06 85 48 03 61
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*Name, email, proposal...
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Waldemar, waldemar.piasecki@gmail.com Would anybody be willing to give me a lift from the La Rochelle
airport on Sunday at 6pm . My flight number FR8746 from London STN arrival LRH 17:50
*Name, email: request...
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MENOU Marie Aude, ma.menou@free.fr :
Bonjour. J'ai une place dans ma voiture (Modus), deux si vous n'avez pas beaucoup de bagages. Je quitterai Versailles dimanche vers 9h. Nous pourrons partager les frais d'essence et de péage. Contact : 06 709 705 53.
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*Name, email: request...
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*[http://enName, email, proposal...*Name, email, proposal.nvcwiki.com/index.php/ENVCSF_2010_ORGANIZATION_TEAM Organization Team]|-  | scope=row |<font color=blue>Sara Brenda, nvcfestival(saravandiepen@gmail.com, propose )I would be very happy and relieved if someone would be willing to offer empathy and help you take me from Royan station to search L'espaces Possibeles on sunday 4th of july. I'll arrive by train at 14:45 hr. Let me know :)Tel: +32 474528013| <font color=blue>*Name, email, proposal...*Name, email, proposal...|-  | scope=row |<font color=blue>Georg Tarne, georg@fensterstattmauern.at: I request a solution about financial problem lift from Vienna or any town en route to the Festival. As my family lives in order to encourage autonomyKarlsruhe near the French border, any lift from the area there is also very welcome! =)| <font color=blue>*Name, email, proposal...*Name, email, proposal...|-  | scope=row |<font color=blue>Bonjour, je suis Violaine et je cherche quelqu'un pour m'emmener de Royan à l'espace des possibles dimanche 4 juillet. J'arriverai en gare de Royan à 13h07 et mon numéro est: 06 24 74 07 82. Merci!| <font color=blue>*Name, email, proposal...*Name, email, proposal...
| scope=row | <font color=blue>*[http://enhello, is anybody driving past Nantes on Monday 5th? I arrive in Nantes in the morning.nvcwikiIf anyone is driving past I would love a lift as the train connections to Royan are very slow.com/index.php/ENVCSF_2010_ORGANIZATION_TEAM Organization Team]Thanks and love, nvcfestivalkateolivia@gmailhotmail.comje parle aussi francais, cherche une voiture qui passe par/pres de Nantes lundi 5, request that each one brings something to decorate the place.merci X
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*Rémi Martin, remimartinp@gmail.com, propose to bring 4 pencils and scrap paper.*Name, email: , proposal...*Name, email: , proposal...|-  
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